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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
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Press Conference of Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council
Qinghai quake information open to media, no need of covering up: spokesman
   日期: 2010-04-20 11:26         編輯: 孫金誠         來源: SRC-174


A Chinese government spokesman Tuesday said the deaths in the strong quake last week were not covered up.

"After the earthquake happened, we have publicized the information promptly. The procedure is open and transparent. It also opens to the media," said Guo Weimin, director of the press bureau of the State Council Information Office, at a press conference.

"It is not possible and of no need to cover up the death toll," he said in response to a question over the death toll from the quake.

As of 10 p.m. Monday, the death toll has climbed to 2,039, with 195 people still missing, according to the rescue headquarters.

The 7.1-magnitude quake, which struck the Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture of Yushu, Qinghai Province, on Wednesday, has also left 12,135 injured, of whom 1,434 are in serious condition, the rescue headquarters said.

Special Report: 7.1-Magnitude Earthquake hits China's Qinghai


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